Marine Biology

Two Unpublished Papers
While on a study abroad program in Queensland, Australia, I carried out two projects, one at North Stradbroke Island in Moreton Bay, and the second on Heron Island in the Great Barrier Reef.
1. The first investigated the organisms which inhabit temporary pools created by stingrays in the mudflats of North Stradbroke Island, with a particular emphasis on the value of this habitat to commercially important species.
2. The second project investigated the rate at which Planaxis sulcatus, an intertidal snail, can clear beach rock on Heron Island. This project's motivation lay in the understudied subject of invertebrate contributions of calcium carbonate to reefs for the generation of coral exoskeletons.

How does a cuttlefish hide?
In my course on Development and Physiology with Dr. Robin Dunkin at the University of California Santa Cruz, the students were tasked with teaching the contents of a scientific paper to non-scientists. I selected a paper on the ability of cuttlefish to recognize three-dimensional forms on the seafloor below them to better conceal themselves from predators. I believe strongly in communicating scientific findings like these to the general public.